COMPANY WORK PLAN AND BUDGET (RKAP) 2023 – The focus of PT Tesso Tetra Chemika in Product Development in Geothermal and General Chemical Industry in 2023
Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia (18/12/2022) – PT Tesso Tetra Chemika held a 2023 Corporate Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) on 19-20 December 2022 that was held in Bandung. The work meeting was attended by the Directors and all Heads of Departments of PT Tesso Tetra Chemika.
The RKAP agenda is primarily intended as a means for the Company to summarize its 2022 performance and plan the Company’s strategy for the coming year. In his remarks, Mr. Uce Niel Kurniandar as the President Director stated that, the main purpose of the RKAP is to set Company’s target and its objectives and synchronize perceptions from each Department to achieve Company targets and its objectives.
PT Tesso Tetra Chemika’s RKAP 2023 concludes that the company’s strategy for 2023 is efficiency, strategicness, and openness in the potency in new industries, as the focus of PT Tesso Tetra Chemika in 2023 is Product Development in Geothermal and General Chemical Industry.
RENCANA KERJA DAN ANGGARAN PERUSAHAAN (RKAP) 2023 – Fokus PT Tesso Tetra Chemika dalam Pengembangan Produk pada Industri Kimia Geothermal dan Umum di Tahun 2023
Cikarang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (18/12/2022) – PT Tesso Tetra Chemika mengadakan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tahun 2023 pada 19-20 Desember 2022 lalu, di Bandung. Rapat kerja tersebut dihadiri oleh Direksi serta seluruh Kepala Department PT Tesso Tetra Chemika.
Agenda RKAP utamanya ditujukan sebagai sarana Perusahaan dalam merangkum kinerja tahun 2022 dan merencanakan strategi Perusahaan di tahun mendatang. Dalam sambutannya, Bapak Uce Niel Kurniandar selaku Direktur Utama menyampaikan bahwa tujuan utama RKAP adalah guna untuk mensinkronkan presepsi tiap Department guna tercapainya target dan objektif perusahaan.
RKAP 2023 PT Tesso Tetra Chemika menyimpulkan kiat Perusahaan pada 2023 adalah efisiensi,berstrategi, dan terbuka pada potensi di industri-industri baru, sebagaimana fokus PT Tesso Tetra Chemika pada tahun 2023 adalah dalam product development di Industri Kimia Geothermal dan General.
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