TESSODRIL BS 2307 Lubricant

Drilling Lubricant is used to reduce the friction coefficient, to reduce torque and drag during drilling and also to prevent overheating. Bits and drill strings are subjected to great stress when drilling various types of formations, requiring lubrication to reduce the heat generated by friction between the bit and the formation.
Various types of synthetic fluids, oils, graphite, surfactants, glycol and glycerin are often used as lubricants.
Tessodril BS 2307 Lubricant is one of the best selling products owned by PT Tesso Tetra Chemika (TTC). There are more TTC’s products have been certified as high TKDN confirming our commitment, effort and support for the Increasing Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) program and they are all of good quality products.
TESSODRIL DSF (Drilling Starch), TESSOTREAT AD 5012 (Bactericide), TESSODRIL BS 1506, BS 1532 (Corrosion Inhibitor), TESSODRIL BS 1914 (Defoamer), TESSODRIL BS 1805 (Foaming Agent), TESSODRIL BS 2101 (Pipe Freeing Agent), TESSODRIL BS 1323 (Polyamine Shale Stabilizer), TESSODRIL BS 1304 (Thinner) are among other good quality products with high TKDN value.

Drilling Lubricant digunakan untuk mengurangi koefisien gesekan, mengurangi torque dan drag pada saat pengeboran agar tidak terjadi overheating. Mata bor dan rangkaian bor mengalami tekanan besar saat mengebor berbagai jenis formasi, sehingga membutuhkan pelumasan untuk mengurangi panas yang dihasilkan oleh gesekan antara mata bor dan formasi.
Berbagai jenis synthetic liquid, oil, graphite, surfactant, glycol dan glycerin sering digunakan sebagai bahan penyusun drilling lubricant.
Tessodril BS 2307 Drilling Lubricant merupakan salah satu produk terlaris yang dimiliki oleh PT Tesso Tetra Chemika (TTC). Semakin banyak produk TTC yang tersertifikasi dengan nilai persentase TKDN yang tinggi menegaskan komitmen, usaha dan dukungan kami terhadap program Peningkatan Penggunaan Produk Dalam Negeri (P3DN) dan semuanya merupakan produk yang berkualitas baik.
TESSODRIL DSF (Drilling Starch), TESSOTREAT AD 5012 (Bakterisida), TESSODRIL BS 1506, BS 1532 (Penghambat Korosi), TESSODRIL BS 1914 (Defoamer), TESSODRIL BS 1805 (Agen Pembuih), TESSODRIL BS 2101 (Agen Pembebas Pipa), TESSODRIL BS 1323 (Polyamine Shale Stabilizer), TESSODRIL BS 1304 (Thinner) antara lain produk berkualitas baik dengan nilai TKDN tinggi.
#tessotetrachemika #yourreliablepartner #drillinglubricants

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